General Printer Information

Printers are available on each floor of the Computer Science building. All department printers are at least PostScript Level 2 devices. In addition, all are capable of duplex (two-sided) printing, while some can also do color printing. For a list of printers, with their locations and features, such as duplex and color, run the printers command or lpstat -p -d on any of the departmental unix systems.

To support the University's Sustainability Plan, users are encouraged to "Print-less."

Printers should not be used to print multiple copies of a file. If you need to make multiple copies, please use a photocopier.

List of public printers available for use in the department:

  • xrx_003c - Basement Printer 

  • xrx_107c - 1st Floor Printer in room 107 (Note: Salto room lock access required)

  • xrx_232 - 2nd Floor Mailroom Printer (Black & White Printing Only)

  • xrx_334c - 3rd Floor Color Printer 

  • xrx_434c - 4th Floor Color Printer 

We also have copiers in each building that you can use to print.  Please see the following links for more information on the copiers:

  • TigerPrint - University copiers/printers managed by OIT PaperCut (Faculty and Staff)
  • PawPrint - University copiers/printers managed by OIT PaperCut (Students)
