Computer Science Request Forms

CS Staff has developed a selection of on-line forms for common requests. To access a form, left-click on its name in the Request Forms section to the left.

CS Undergrad Account

This form lets declared CS concentrators request a CS account. For security and administrative reasons, we restrict the availability of CS accounts to those with a strict need. See this link for more information.

Host Management

This form lets you register a host (whether Princeton owned or not) on CS network.  This form lets you register changes to a host's information (name, location, etc.) This form also lets you delete (de-activate) a host.

Project Space Quota Adjustment

This form lets you request an increase or decrease to a project space quota. Please review the types of disk space available before submitting a request for a quota increase.

Mailing List

This form lets you request a new mailing list. Note that we do not support custom mail aliases; a mailing list is the supported alternative.

Database Setup

This form lets you request a MySQL database.

Project Disk Space

This form lets you request space for a research project.

Project Web Space

This form lets you request that a directory in your previously requested project space appear as a web page on the department web server. The URL for the top level web page will be where projname is the name of the project space. (Note that URLs of the form are deprecated.)

Restore Files

This form lets you restore files from backup. Please read this page before you submit the form to see if you can restore the files yourself using the snapshot tree.
