Instructional Computing

The information below is principally of use for CS faculty and TAs.


A - For classes taught on CS machines

Regarding Course Account Passwords:

By design NO passwords are set to access CS course accounts. Please do NOT change this without contacting CS Staff.

Instead, shell access to these accounts are handled via SSH keys.  For instructions on generating and uploading SSH keys, please see the SSH Key Manager page.

Send email to CS Staff. We will then set up accounts, and upon request will set up a Mailman mailing list.

Access to CS Course Accounts:

After setting up the account as described in section A of this document, you can login by first logging in to your personal account, either on portal or courselab (as appropriate):

    ssh <netID>

    [<netID>@spin ~]$ ssh <class>

..where <class> is the name of the course account you are logging in to. When prompted for a key passphrase, type the passphrase you used when creating the key in section A above.

B - For course web pages

Access to CS Course Web Pages:

Course web pages are located (from a CS cycle server) at:


where <semester> is something like fall04 or spring06, and <course-code> is of the form cosXXX.

These directories and place-holder pages are automatically generated, with the listed professor/instructor as owner. To get access, please send an email request to CS Staff. You will be placed in the appropriate group, and that group will be granted write-access to the directory. Note that this request is best sent from the instructor.

New for Fall 2011!
Also note that default web page files are no longer being generated in file form. The default page being displayed is generated automatically from a database. (In particular, the course description is pulled directly from the registrar.) To override/replace the automatically generated page, all you need to do is place a valid index page in the directory and the default page will be replaced by your content.

Note: for certain courses (e.g., Advanced Topics), the description available from the registrar data feed is generic. If you would like to use the look-and-feel of the generated page but want to make changes for this instance of the course, the easiest approach is to "view" the page source, save it to a file called "index.html" in the course directory (see above), and make local edits to the file.

C - About CS TigerFile - The Assignment Upload System

Upon request, CS courses can use CS TigerFile for their assignment upload system. See our CS TigerFile page.

D - Enrollment Rosters

The CS Department receives a daily feed from the Registrar with enrollment rosters for each COS course. More information about this system and how it can be used for your course is on the Enrollment Rosters page.
