The CS department runs a MariaDB version 10.1.24 (as of Oct 2019) database server that is available to CS users for CS department projects. The server currently runs on x86, 64 bit hardware running Linux. If you would like to request a database setup for your personal research or project please fill out the form located in the box to the left.
- Disk space on the public database server is limited, so if you are contemplating a database over 10MB, please check with CS Staff first.
- Databases for class projects will be removed at the end of the semester. If you are contemplating a class project that will continue operating after the class is over, be sure to make arrangements/plans to move to a non-CS server. (Or, use a non-CS database server from the outset.) Check with CS Staff for details.
- We offer a centralized install of phpMyAdmin, found here, which you can use by entering your database username and password at the login screen after authenticating with CAS. This instance of phpMyAdmin is the most recent stable release, and is kept up to date by CS Staff (the current version can be seen on the right side of the main screen after login).