Accessing/Updating/Contributing Content on the Main Website

The maintance of our public facing website is handled by a variety of staff. While the technical staff maintains the infrastructure that serves web pages and maintains the file systems and databases that store the content, we "own" very little of the data. This document describes how each section is maintained.


News and Events (and Colloquia)

Our website and database makes a distinction between "news" and "events". Events are basically things that a person can attend. A colloquium would be an event. News items are stories with a headline, a body, and a date for the story. In both cases, please send an email to Emily Lawrence detailing as much as you can about the news item or event that you want posted on the website.

Directory Photo (Headshot)

Faculty/Staff/Graduate Students

  • If your headshot was taken by a photographer hired by the Department, send the following in an email to
    • Your NetID.
    • A statement indicating that the photo was taken by a photographer hired by the Department. Please include the date the photo was taken, if possible.
    • The original high-resolution JPEG image as either an attachment or as a link to file in Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.
    We will crop and resize your photo to meet Department standards.
  • If your headshot was not taken by a photographer hired by the Department, send the following in an email to
    • Your NetID.
    • A statement asserting that the University has copyright permission to use this image on the Department's website (see notes below). Please include the date the photo was taken and the name of the photographer, if possible.
    • A high-resolution image as either an attachment or as a link to file in Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. Make sure the pose is straight-on and has enough space between your head and the edge of the image that we can crop and resize it to match the Department's standard 2:3 aspect ratio silhouette.
    We will crop and resize your photo to meet Department standards.

Additional notes:

  • Copyright: For professional photographers hired by the Department for directory headshots, we have already negotiated a copyright release with the photographer. For other photographs the copyright lies with the original photographer (whether amateur or professional). In this case, we will need an assertion from you that the photo you submit may be used by the Department for the web site.
  • Pose / Cropping: We use a standard size, aspect ratio (2:3), and pose (using this silhouette) so that we can automate the process of additional cropping and resizing for alternative web page layouts and for different devices. Please provide the uncropped original image; however, if you choose to provide a pre-cropped image, make sure that it is in a 2:3 aspect ratio, is at least 200x300 pixels, and matches the silhouette (noting especially the spacing between the face/head and the edges of the image).

Personal Information


  • Room, phone number - Please contact Emily Lawrence who will make the change.
  • Home page link - We can link to your CS personal department website. To enable this, send an email to Emily Lawrence indicating you want your website link enabled. There's more information on personal websites here (including information on how to set-up a redirect If you want to link to some other web page instead).
  • Profile page - Faculty receive a "profile page" that outlines their position, a brief biography, and research information. The "short bio" and "publications" can be modified by Faculty directly. To do so, email CS Staff requesting a Profile page and once the page is setup you can log in with CAS at You will be brought to your profile page which has an orange button on it to edit the information (if you don't have this, contact technical staff). For all other information, like research areas, projects, office location, and more, please contact Emily Lawrence who can perform the updates in a separate system.

Graduate Students

  • Room, phone number - Please contact the graduate coordinator who will make the change.
  • Home page link -  We can link to your CS personal department website. To enable this, send an email to the graduate coordinator indicating you want your website link enabled. There's more information on personal websites here (including information on how to set-up a redirect If you want to link to some other web page instead).
  • Listing on a Research Area page - Please contact the graduate coordinator who can make the change.

Undergraduate Students

The only public information we publish is a list of undergraduate students, their class year, and a link to their home page on the CS web server (i.e., If your name or class year is incorrect, please contact the undergraduate coordinator. If you wish to have your name be a link to your CS home page (or stop being a link), please send a message to Emily Lawrence. Read more about personal websites here.

Teaching and Research Information

Undergraduate Program

This content is maintained and edited by the undergraduate coordinator, Colleen Kenny.

Graduate Program

This content is maintained and edited by the graduate coordinator, Nicki Gotsis.

Course Catalog & Schedule

For undergraduate courses, details are maintained by the undergraduate coordinator Colleen Kenny.

Likewise, graduate courses are maintained by the graduate coordinator Nicki Gotsis.

At the time of writing, the department maintains a distinct database of course information (separate from the registrar). Details may become out of sync with the official registrar information. If you notice a disparity, please contact the appropriate person above to handle the updates.

Course Pages

Individual pages for each course are hosted by the department but maintained by faculty. Assuming you have access to the course account, the files for a specific course can be found in /n/fs/csweb/courses/archive/<semester><year>/cos<code>/ ; e.g. fall06/cos109/ . Near the start of a new semester, CS Staff will generate these directories and setup the appropriate course accounts for access.

If no specific course page was created by faculty, we will display a default page as part of the main website. This page contains basic information about the course. As soon as an index file is created in the course directory, that will be used instead.

Research (Areas, Groups, Projects)

Membership to research entities is handled either by Emily Lawrence (for faculty memberships) or Nicki Gotsis (for graduate student memberships).

Descriptions and other details are generally handled by Emily Lawrence. CS Staff may occasionally reach out to "owners" of research entities to verify that the details are accurate. Some information on profile pages for Faculty (example: can be modified faculty. To do so, log in (, and click the orange button to edit your profile page. We are working towards allowing more of this information to be modified directly by faculty.

Other Pages

All other pages are generally handled by CS Technical Staff. If you have a specific edit that you want made or have suggestions, please contact us.
