The CS department has resources available to faculty for use in teaching courses. The following is a quick start guide to teaching courses in the Computer Science Department. This quick start guide does not cover all topics and it is recommended that you consult the CS Guide for more information. In particular, please visit the Instructional Computing page.
Course Management System
Canvas is the official University course management system. It is managed by OIT.
Course Web Pages
CS course web pages are automatically generated each semester, with the listed professor/instructor as the owner of the files. Courses web pages can be accessed from any of the CS public servers at /n/fs/csweb/courses/archive/semester/course-code/ where semester is something like fall06 or spring07, and course-code is of the form cosXXX. If you are having trouble with access to the files or need to change access to another person please send an email request to OIT also maintains a course web page for every course on the Canvas system. If you are not going to use the Blackboard site and only maintain course web pages on the CS web server, you may want to provide a link to the CS course page on the Blackboard site. Students tend to go to Canvas site first for course information.
Course Accounts and Mailing Lists
CS courses that have course accounts either on the CS systems or the OIT systems will require some setup with SSH to gain access to the account. CS and OIT course accounts do not have passwords set and require the use of SSH keys to access the accounts. Please refer to the page located here for more information on setup of course accounts. Mailing lists are available for use with courses if you would like to create a new list or gain access to a mailing list that is already available please contact