Campus Resources
OIT Instructional Support Services (which incorporates the former OIT Broadcast Center) can record classroom sessions, entire courses, or department talks. Such recordings can then be posted within a course web site on BlackBoard. See their site for details.
Basic Recording in the CS Building
For members of the Computer Science Department, we have a video camera available for loan to record events. The video camera must be used to record events in the department and the camera may not leave the Computer Science Building. You will have to reserve the camera by sending email to Once your request has been scheduled you can stop by room 101 to pick up the camera an hour before the event. The person making the request to borrow the camera is responsible for picking up and dropping off the camera to room 101. Upon request, CS Staff can copy off the recordings from the camera and offer you a link to download the content or put the video online using the Kaltura system. (Details below.)
For very limited and specific instances, CS Staff may be able to record a talk (i.e., run the camera). These instances are (1) for faculty candidate talks, or (2) for colloquia where the speaker has given advance permission to have the video publicly available on the CS Department website. Both of these cases are coordinated through Emily Lawrence and will require a signed release form from the speaker. For recording other cases, the loaner camera can be reserved or OIT Instructional Support Services can be engaged.
Kaltura System
The Kaltura system allows for streaming and downloading of videos and can be also provide links to embed videos into web pages. The department also offers a media site that hosts all the videos that have been made available to users in the department. The site is password protected and requires a CS account to access the site. You can find the CS media site at: (CS Only) (Campus CAS Login)