Computer Science Wiki

The experimental CSWiki exists for the benefit of the Computer Science community at Princeton University and their research collaborators. A Wiki is a website that lets people collaboratively edit the content. You can find the CSWiki at

Please note the following:

  • This is a wiki
    • Anyone in the world can view/edit this site.
    • You may (and probably will) find that your pages have been edited by others.
    • We have technology in place to help keep out bots; however, it is not foolproof and you may find your content spammed or defaced. Please police the pages you create and fix them as necessary.
  • The scope of this wiki is limited to topics which benefit the Computer Science Department of Princeton University.
  • This wiki is run by CS Staff; we reserve the right to edit and/or remove any content we deem inappropriate (including "out of scope") or outdated/abandoned (in the later case, removals will not be done without first attempting to contact the primary author, but if they're outdated, it's probably because the author has graduated or otherwise left the content behind).
  • This is an experimental service. This means that we don't have specific plans one way or another about making this a permanent service. It also means that we will maintain it during normal working hours. Like all services, its long-term status depends on the relative benefit it brings to the department as a whole compared to the resources (labor and equipment) it requires to maintain. This wiki is subject to temporary outages, possible relocation to another URL, and possible permanent shutdown. It should go without saying that citing something on this wiki in a scholarly work is not a good idea.
  • The wiki is in need of an explicit copyright policy.