CS Staff Gazette, volume 4, number 2, September 2007

September 14, 2007  --  Volume 4  --  Number 2

* New Project Space Features
     On August 21, we completed the migration of project disk space
     to the ZFS file system -- an open source file system developed
     by Sun Microsystems.  We started this project to address the
     limitations in the way we were managing project space.  The
     biggest changes that will be visible to the users are snapshots
     and the ability to support project spaces larger than 1TB.
     As the name implies, a snapshot is the state of the disk (files
     and directories) from a point in time.  Snapshots are taken
     every four hours and older ones are deleted on a regular basis
     such that there are generally 10 snapshots available for various
     times going back as far as 13 days.  Details on ZFS snapshots is
     here:  https://csguide.cs.princeton.edu/storage/zfs-snapshots

* Project Space Backup Policy Changes
     Due in part to the new snapshot feature of the project space
     and to our experience over the past year, we have modified the
     backup policy slightly.  Specifically, we have eliminated the
     daily incremental backups of project space.  Projects that were
     backed-up daily will now be backed-up weekly, monthly, or
     quarterly according to their size.  The backup policy can be
     found here: https://csguide.cs.princeton.edu/storage/backup

* Home Directories / Project Space
     Please note that the above discussion applies only to project
     space and not to the home directory space.  For more information,
     see: https://csguide.cs.princeton.edu/storage/diskspace

* Wireless Networking Changes
     We are now broadcasting the Service Set Identifiers (SSIDs) for
     the department's wireless network.  This allows users to explicitly
     select a particular service.  We have made this change as a step
     towards making it easier for our visitors to access the Internet
     while giving registered hosts additional access (e.g., the ability
     to mount file systems and to use the printers).
     See https://csguide.cs.princeton.edu/access/wireless for more
     details.  The currently defined SSIDs are:

        This SSID is for CS account holders using a registered machine.
        This is the only SSID that allows users to print or mount file

        This SSID is for CS account holders who wish to register a new
        wireless device.  Web (http/s) connections on this SSID are
        redirected to our host registration page.

        This SSID is analogous to OIT's puwireless service available
        in other buildings on campus.  It gives machines registered
        with OIT access to the campus network and Internet.
        This SSID is for attendees of CS-hosted conferences
        (approximately 10 or more guests).  This SSID is always
        broadcasted; however, connectivity is only enabled during the
        event with advance notice to CS Staff. 

     In the next few months, we will be supporting an additional SSID
     that will give visitors Internet connectivity.  This will be
     similar to OIT's puvisitor service.

* CS Guide - did you know?
     You'll notice that this issue of the Gazette makes several
     references to the CS Guide.  What you may not know is that you
     can login to the CS Guide and post comments on any of the content
     pages.  See https://csguide.cs.princeton.edu/about/csguide for