CS Staff Gazette, volume 4, number 1, March 2007

March 6, 2007  --  Volume 4  --  Number 1

* Will Early DST be the New Y2K?
     Thanks to the Energy Policy Act of 2005, daylight savings
     time (DST) will begin 2 weeks early starting this year.
     To ensure that computer-based clocks, calendars, and
     timestamps are not off by an hour, please take the time
     to patch your operating system and other operating
     environments (e.g., Java).

* SAV Update for Windows
     There's an important security update for Symantec AntiVirus
     for Windows.  You should now be at version or
     higher.  OIT supplies this software.  For more information,
     see: http://helpdesk.princeton.edu/kb/display.plx?ID=3308

* Graduate Student Quota Increase
     Because we increased both our home directory capacity as
     well as our backup capacity, we silently increased the
     graduate student default disk quota from 500MB to 1GB.

* HVAC Upgrades to Room 218 Complete
     As many of you noticed, we replaced the air handlers for
     the main machine room (218).  Many thanks to the University
     facilities department for accommodating our need to keep the
     machine room operational during the upgrade.

* Cluster News
     If you are a user of our clusters (e.g., "c2"), please
     be sure to subscribe to the "beowulf" mailing list:

     If you have either massive computational needs or need
     to collaborate with users outside the department, please
     see OIT's TIGRESS website: https://tigress.princeton.edu/

* Security Updates
     If the DST patch isn't reason enough, there are several
     recent and important security patches.  Please be sure
     to keep your system up-to-date with respect to security